

 Hadiths Be patient and do not punish. Be patient and do not punish! – Real patience should be done when the calamity first strikes. The real patience must be done when the very first moment of troublesome. – Patience is consent, it is consent. Patience is the acceptance, to acquiesce. – If a person is deprived of being gentle, he is deprived of all good. Who is deprived of kindness, is deprived of all goodness. – This religion is sound.  Be gentle with it. This religion is strong.  In this religion treat it easy. – You were sent as a facilitator, not a complicator. You have been sent to simplify not to make it difficult. - The best of your religion is the easiest. The most favorite thing in your religion is the easy one. – You cannot defeat this religion. You cannot defeat this religion. – The devil circulates in human blood. Satan wanders inside the human's vessels. – Being respected comes with wealth, and generosity is with taqwa. Being prestigious is coming with wealth and havi


 Hadiths If your good deeds make you happy and your bad deeds upset you, you are a believer. If your goodness makes you happy and your badness makes you unhappy, you are the faithful Muslim. – There are three things, whoever has these, Allah opens his protection on him and puts him in heaven;  Support for the weak, compassion for the parents, bestowing upon the slaves. If anyone possesses these three characteristics Allah will give him an easy death and bring him into His Paradise: gentleness towards the weak, affection towards parents, and kindness to slaves. - Every good deed is a charity. Every goodness is an alms. – He who is not ashamed of people is not ashamed of God. The people who never be ashamed of humans, never be ashamed of Allah. - He who deceives us is not from us. The one who cheats us is not of us. – The first thing to be removed from this ummah is shame and trust. The first things that will be removed among the Ummah (follower of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him) are

Who is this Ottoman Sultan who killed 19 of his brazers in one night?

 Who is this Ottoman Sultan who killed 19 of his brazers in one night? Fatih is the later name of one of the provisions from Kanun-name  Mehmed Fatih .  It allowed the heirs of the  Ottoman  throne, who became the  sultan , to kill the rest for the sake of the public good   the prevention of wars and unrest. The existence of this law was not recognized by everyone;  a common point of view is that Mehmed could not legalize the killing of innocents.  The doubters believed that the Europeans invented this law and falsely attributed it to Fatih.  Turkish scientists have proved that this is not so. The assessment of the legitimacy of such a provision (compliance with  Sharia  norms ), as well as the impact of this law on the history of the Ottoman Empire, is ambiguous.  It has been erroneously argued that sharia law cannot approve the killing of an innocent man. .Scholars who praised the law's role noted that, to apply the rule, a fatwa from a high-ranking mufti was required (meaning th


  WHO IS HASSAN SABBAH, THE FOUNDER OF THE WORLD’S FIRST TERRORIST ORGANIZATION? Many followers of Hasan Sabbah are familiar with the fascinating narrative of Hasan Sabbah, who lived in Alamut Castle in Iran, promised paradise to all around him, made them his followers, unconditionally connected them to him, and created the Ismaili sect of the Shiite faith, the Hashashis.  So, what is Hasan Sabbah’s true story? Hasan Sabbah, whose full name was Hasan bin Ali bin Mohammed bin Cafer bin Hussein bin Sabbah al-Hamari, was the leader of the Assassin sect in the 11th century. He was one of the most important Twelver Imam Shiism in 1046-47 or 1053-54, although the exact year is unknown. He is supposed to have been born in the city of Kum, which is located in the center of the country. Hasan Sabbah, his father, gave him a good education in philosophy, theology, logic, fiqh, and eloquence, and Hasan Sabbah, a shrewd and capable leader, is notorious for assassinations, bouncers, and Alamut Castl