

If your good deeds make you happy and your bad deeds upset you, you are a believer.
If your goodness makes you happy and your badness makes you unhappy, you are the faithful Muslim.

– There are three things, whoever has these, Allah opens his protection on him and puts him in heaven; Support for the weak, compassion for the parents, bestowing upon the slaves.
If anyone possesses these three characteristics Allah will give him an easy death and bring him into His Paradise: gentleness towards the weak, affection towards parents, and kindness to slaves.

- Every good deed is a charity.
Every goodness is an alms.

– He who is not ashamed of people is not ashamed of God.
The people who never be ashamed of humans, never be ashamed of Allah.

- He who deceives us is not from us.
The one who cheats us is not of us.

– The first thing to be removed from this ummah is shame and trust.
The first things that will be removed among the Ummah (follower of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him) are the shyness and the trust (escrow).

– One who eats and gives thanks, fasts, and is patient receives rewards.
The person who eats and praised for it, get a good deed like the person who fasts and is patient for it.

– Give the worker his wage before his sweat dries.
Give the worker his compensation for his work swiftly, before when the sweat caused by his efforts has dried on his body.

- If you knew what I know, you would laugh less and cry more.
If you have known what I knew you laugh less but you cry a lot.

– The beginning of wisdom is to be afraid of disrespecting Allah.
The beginning of wisdom is to be afraid of disregarding Allah.

– A believer is neither blasphemous, cursing, rude, ugly, nor indecent.
A believer is not a fault-finder and is not abusive, obscene, or coarse.

The most valuable people are those who have more taqwa (fear of God)

– I am the one who fears Allah the most and knows him best.
I am the one who fears Him most and I am the one who knows Him most.

– Avoid envy. Because, just as fire eats wood, envy eats up good deeds.
Guard yourselves against practicing envy. Verily your good deeds will disintegrate with the practice of envy just like the fire disintegrates wood.
