

Be patient and do not punish.
Be patient and do not punish!

– Real patience should be done when the calamity first strikes.
The real patience must be done when the very first moment of troublesome.

– Patience is consent, it is consent.
Patience is the acceptance, to acquiesce.

– If a person is deprived of being gentle, he is deprived of all good.
Who is deprived of kindness, is deprived of all goodness.

– This religion is sound. Be gentle with it.
This religion is strong. In this religion treat it easy.

– You were sent as a facilitator, not a complicator.
You have been sent to simplify not to make it difficult.

- The best of your religion is the easiest.
The most favorite thing in your religion is the easy one.

– You cannot defeat this religion.
You cannot defeat this religion.

– The devil circulates in human blood.
Satan wanders inside the human's vessels.

– Being respected comes with wealth, and generosity is with taqwa.
Being prestigious is coming with wealth and having the taqwa (fear of God) is coming with generosity.

– The food of the generous person is healing, the food of the stingy is a disease.
The meal of generous man is the cure and the meal of ungenerous man is the sickness.

– A believer cannot be bitten twice through the same hole.
A Muslim is never beaten twice from the same hole.

– Excessive love of wealth takes away wisdom from the hearts of scholars.
The exaggerated love of wealthiness removes the wisdom from the scholar's heart.

– Scholars are the people whom Allah trusts the most.
Among the nation, scholars are the most trustable people in the presence of Allah.

– Allah is not merciful to those who are not merciful to people.
Those who show no mercy to others will have no mercy shown to them by Allah.

– Make it easy, don't make it harder. Give good news, do not hate.
Make things easy and do not complicate them. Calm people and do not drive them away.

– A believer is like a wall riveting each other to another believer.
A believer to another believer is like a wall of bricks supporting each other.

– Scholars are the security of my ummah.
The scholars are the safety of my Ummah (follower of prophet Muhammad peace be upon him).

– He who learns knowledge is like one who fights in the way of Allah.
One who learns wisdom is like one who fights for the path of Allah.

– Those who seek knowledge are in the way of Allah until they return home.
One who tries to learn wisdom (science) is on the path of Allah till he/she returns home.

Two hungry men never feel full: one of them is the person who looks for wisdom (science), the other one is the person who wants the world wealth.

– People are of two parts: those who teach and those who learn. People differ into two
kinds: teachers and learners. There is no favor (goodness) outside of this two.

– When Allah wants to make a servant an administrator, he extends a helping hand to him.
When Allah wants to make one of His slaves an administrator, He gives him a hand (help).

- Islam is good morals.
Islam is a moral value.

– Unless one of you loves for his brother what he loves for himself, he cannot attain true faith.
None of you has attained true faith until he loves for his brother that which he loves for himself.

– Those who are in power are at the door of hardship, except for those whom Allah protects.
The sovereigns are generally in difficulties except those who are protected by Allah.

– Obedience only takes place within the legitimate framework.
The obedience can only be in the legal frame.

– Everything has a devastating disaster. The disaster of this religion is bad rulers.
Everything has a disaster that subverts itself. The disaster of this religion is the bad administrators.

– The strongest handle of Islam is to love for Allah and to harbor enmity for Allah.
Love and hate for Allah is the strongest grip of Islam.

The friends of Allah are those who remind Allah to people when they appear.

– Whoever loves a community, Allah will resurrect him with that community.
If someone loves the community, Allah brings him/her with that community in paradise.

– The heart of the son of Adam is like a bird. It changes seven times a day.
The heart of the son of Adams is like a bird, in a day it changes seven times.

- Whoever says something that is in him behind someone's back is backbiting.
If someone talks something behind somebody's back that they already have, that someone sets rumors afloat (to gossip).

– May Allah have mercy on the person who corrected his tongue.
Be Allah compassionate to those who heal his / her tongue.


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