Prophet Yusuf is a character in the Quran who is also known as Joseph in the Bible and Joseph among Jews. In the sixteenth century B.C., he lived, preached, and died in Egypt, where he lived for nearly a hundred and ten or one hundred and twenty years. Yusuf is mentioned twenty-six times in the Qur’an, and a complete sura is named for him. This is the only prophet to whom the Holy Book of the Quran devotes an entire sura from beginning to end.

Prophetic lineage

The prophet Yakub was Yusuf’s father. He is regarded as the father of Israel’s children. Before the prophet Musa appeared, the tribe of Yakub had grown to six hundred thousand five hundred and seventy-seven individuals, and when the prophet Musa led the children of Israel through the wilderness, this tribe had grown to six hundred thousand five hundred and seventy-seven people.

The Prophet Yusuf’s story is full of stories about how beautiful he was on the outside, how he could interpret dreams, and how his personality is linked to the story of Yakub, also known as Israel, who is described in the Holy Book of the Quran as a chosen person who possesses the knowledge, is powerful and has a sharp mind. He has a long and arduous life ahead of him. Yakub, the prophet, had twelve sons. For his father, Yusuf was a beloved son, since the boy had many virtues from childhood, he had an accommodating character, he was well brought up, he treated people respectfully, and outwardly he was distinguished by his beauty. 

The dream of Yusuf and the evil intention of his brothers

The tale of Prophet Yusuf in the Qur’an begins with his having a prophetic dream when he was a child. Yusuf had a dream about eleven planets, the Moon, and the Sun bowing to him in sujud (bowing to the ground). And his father, Yakub, understood it to mean that Almighty Allah would choose Yusuf, offer him perfect mercy, train him to interpret dreams, and bless Yakub’s entire family, but he requested his son not to tell his siblings about the dream because he was terrified of their envy. The father’s attitude toward his kid became even warmer, and the brothers became aware of this and began to debate it among themselves.

Yakub’s other boys from another wife began to be envious of their father because of their brother. As a result of their envy and animosity, they began to consider murdering their brother. They lacked the willpower to kill him, so they brought their brother with them outside the city and flung them into a well. They then removed Yusuf’s clothing, covered it with blood, and gave it to their father as proof that their brother had been ripped apart by wild beasts. They expected a caravan to pass by, dragging the youngster out and taking him with them, further away from home.

The prophet Yakub, on the other hand, examined the clothing carefully and found that if the animals

The poor child was left alone in the well, surrounded by desert and the occasional cries of wild animals, but because this well was directly in the path of caravans crossing from Syria to Palestine and back, a caravan soon appeared, and when one of the servants approached the well, he saw a boy there and rejoiced. The caravaners dragged Yusuf out, took him with them, and sold him on the market for nearly nothing when they got to Egypt, unaware that they were dealing with the progeny of one of the world’s most noble and revered families.

The beauty of Yusuf

Prophet Yusuf was a fascinating and diverse figure, but his attractiveness is frequently mentioned in stories about him. Yusuf’s lovely look is highlighted several times in the Prophet Muhammad’s hadiths. The tale related by Anas ibn Malik regarding the ascension of Allah’s Messenger to heaven is mentioned in the hadith given in the collection of Muslims, and this hadith indicates that half of the beauty was bestowed on the prophet Yusuf.

The beauty of Yusuf was equal to half the beauty of Adam, according to Abu l-Qasim as-Suhayli, and after all, Adam was created by the hand of Almighty Allah and given the most flawless and lovely appearance. First and foremost,

Prophet Yusuf and Zuleikha

So Yusuf married into a local wealthy family, becoming Egypt’s second most powerful person behind the king himself. Yusuf grew up in his home because the wealthy man’s wife was a barren woman who eagerly took him in. As the boy grew older, he gained an understanding of Egyptian customs and culture.

However, as Yusuf grew older, he developed into such a lovely young man that the woman who nurtured him felt a strong attraction to him. The woman had expressed an interest in the young man before, but Yusuf had resisted her. This woman’s name was Zuleikha, and the «Zuleikha baths» were located in the location described in the story. When Zuleikha again showed her feelings for Yusuf and again met his refusal, she put him before a choice, threatening with prison if he did not respond to her feelings. And the young man chose prison.


Yusuf’s imprisonment in the dungeon was a trying time in his life: he was imprisoned in a stone bag at a depth of 35 meters, and the prison was not far from the royal palace.

Already imprisoned, Prophet Yusuf began to speak with people, encouraging them toward monotheism. In the dungeon with him were two others accused of attempting to poison the king: one of the convicts was the king’s butler, and the other was a baker. One of them informed Yusuf about his dream in which he saw himself squeezing grapes. The second prisoner then shared his dream, in which he was carrying a basket of food on his head and was surrounded by birds.

Pharaoh’s dream

In a dream, the pharaoh saw seven skinny cows devouring seven well-fed cows, followed by spikelets, seven of which were green and seven of which were dry. The pharaoh was so taken aback by the dream that he immediately began asking the interpreters what it could signify, but they all dismissed it as foolishness. After none of the courtiers were able to understand his dream, the pharaoh summoned Yusuf, who was known for his ability to interpret dreams.

This dream, according to Prophet Yusuf, foreshadows the start of seven harvest years, during which Egyptians should plant the fields and harvest, wrapping it up and spending just a little portion of it sparingly. And then Zuleikha confessed that she had seduced the young man, but he showed himself to be a righteous man.

Yusuf also asked the pharaoh to appoint him to the position of manager of all Egyptian warehouses and storerooms, since he had sufficient knowledge in economic matters and showed himself to be a righteous and reliable person. And the pharaoh appointed him as manager, thanks to this decision and the interpretation of the future, Egypt was saved from famine.

Meeting with father and brothers

Yusuf began to take steps to ensure that the Egyptians would have enough resources to last through the famine years. As word of the famine spread, people began to flock to Egypt in search of food. Yusuf’s brothers, who had fled from poverty, were among those seeking happiness.

Yusuf recognized the brothers but did not show it; instead, he just inquired if all of their family’s brothers were present. Then his brothers, who didn’t recognize him, said that Benjamin, his youngest brother, had stayed with their father. Then Yusuf, who adored his younger brother Benjamin, said he would gladly provide them with resources if they would bring their younger brother to him.

Yusuf began to take steps to ensure that the Egyptians would have enough resources to last through the famine years. As word of the famine spread, people began to flock to Egypt in search of food. Yusuf’s brothers, who had fled from poverty, were among those seeking happiness.

Yusuf began to take steps to ensure that the Egyptians would have enough resources to last through the famine years. As word of the famine spread, people began to flock to Egypt in search of food. Yusuf’s brothers, who had fled from poverty, were among those seeking happiness.

Yusuf recognized the brothers but did not show it; instead, he just inquired if all of their family’s brothers were present. Then his brothers, who didn’t recognize him, said that Benjamin, his youngest brother, had stayed with their father. Then Yusuf, who adored his younger brother Benjamin, said he would gladly provide them with resources if they would bring their younger brother to him.


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