Surat al-Araf, verse 33:Say: «My Lord, only the indecent-immoral — what is open and what is hidden from them, — sinning, «rebellion and aggression without a just cause,» to Allah that which He has not sent down any proof for Himself. He has forbidden you to associate partners with Allah and to say things about Allah that you do not know.

Surah Araf, verse 190: But when He gave them (Adam’s children men and women) righteous (a child), they began to make partners with Him in what He had given them. Allah is Exalted over their idolatry.

Surah Araf, verse 191:Do they associate things that create nothing while they are created?

Surah Araf, verse 192:However, (the powers and objects they associate with this shirk) can neither help them nor help their selves.

Surat at-Tawba, verse 17:Those who associate polytheism have no right and authority to repair Allah’s mosques while they are witnesses to their denial. These are the ones whose deeds were wasted. And these are the ones who will remain in the fire indefinitely.

Surat at-Tawba, verse 31:They have taken their scholars and monks as lords besides Allah, and the Messiah, son of Mary. Yet they were commanded to do nothing but worship one God. There is no God but Him. He is Exalted above what they associate with.

Surah Yunus, verse 18: They worship, besides Allah, things that will not harm or benefit them, and they say: «These are our intercessors in the sight of Allah.» Say: «Are you informing Allah about something He does not know in the heavens and on the earth? He is Exalted and Far from what you associate with partners.»

Surah Yunus, verse 28: On that day, we will gather them all together, then we will say to those who commit shirk: «Do not leave your place; you and those you associate partners with.» Now we have opened up between them. Those who associate shirk says: «You were not worshiping us.»

Surah Yunus, verse 34: Say: «Is there any of your associates who will create for the first time and then return it?» Say: «Allah initiates creation (first) and then returns it. So how do you turn?»

Surah Zumer, verse 67: 

They failed to appreciate Allah’s omnipotence properly. However, on the Day of Judgment, the earth is entirely in His hand (hilt); and the heavens are folded and twisted with his right hand. He is Exalted and Exalted from what he associates with shirk.

Surat an-Name, verse 63: Or the one who guides you through the darkness of the land and the sea and sends the winds as heralds before His mercy? Another god with Allah? Allah is Exalted over their idolatry.

Surah Hajj, verse 17:Those who truly believe, Jews, star-worshippers (Sabi) Christians, fire-worshippers (Macusi), and polytheists; Surely, Allah will separate them on the Day of Judgment. Indeed, Allah is Witness over everything.

Surah an-Nahl, verse 86: Those who associate partners with partners will say, «Our Lord, these are our partners whom we worshiped instead of You.» (And to them:) They will (reject) the word, saying, «You are indeed liars.»

Surah Yunus, verse 66:Surely, whoever is in the heavens and who is on the earth is all Allah’s. Even those who worship other than Allah do not (really) follow the entities and powers they associate with partners. They follow only a conjecture, and they only ‘lie by guessing and guessing.’

Surah Hashr, verse 23:He is Allah, there is no god but Him. He is the owner; is holy; Selam’ir; He is a believer; It is Muhaymin; He is holy; He is forceful; He is mutakabbir. Allah is Exalted more than (the polytheists) associate partners with.


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