The advice of Hazrat Lokman to his son

Hazrat Lokman is a legendary person with knowledge and wisdom. That’s why he was called Lokman Hakim. Hz. Lokman is a great meaning whose name is also mentioned in the Qur’an and there is no definite information about whether he was a prophet or a saint.

The wise words, aphorisms, advice, and advice of Hazrat Lokman are famous in the history of Islam. According to the narration of Hafs bin Omar, Hz. Lokman begins to advise his son by putting a bag of mustard seeds next to him. Each time he gives advice, he takes mustard out of the bag. Eventually, the mustard in the bag runs out and he says to his son:

«O son, I have given you so much advice that if this advice were given to a mountain, the mountain would split.»Hz. This son of Lokman, named Saran, followed all the advice given by his father.12The main source of the wise words of Lokman Aleyhis Salam is the Qur’an. Therefore, this advice in the Qur’an is also widely found in tafsir. Allah Almighty expresses these words in the language of Hadrat Lokman with the following verses:

12. Ibn Kathir Translation, 12:6409.Do not associate partners with Allah» When Luqman was advising his son, he said, ‘My son (O son!) do not associate partners with Allah. Surely, shirk is great cruelty. God reveals all that he does» My son if your deed is the size of a mustard seed and if it gets into a stone, Allah will reveal it. Surely, Allah knows the most secret affairs with all their subtlety, and He is fully aware of everything.

Make your prayer true» My son, perform your prayers properly. Advise good and forbid evil. Be patient with what befalls you. No doubt, these are deeds worth persevering and persevering for.
Slurring, speak slowly» Do not turn your face away from people by being proud. Do not walk on the earth with strife. For Allah does not love the arrogant and boastful.»Be moderate in your gait. Lower your voice. The ugliest of voices is, of course, the voice of donkeys.»1313. Surah Luqman, 13-20.

O, son! Attend funeral ceremonies. Try to stay away from wedding ceremonies, too. Because the funeral reminds you of the hereafter; the wedding draws the world.

ag behind the rooster son! Do not lag behind the rooster. Because while you are in the depths of sleep, it tries to wake people up by giving the world a sound.

Do not delay repentance son! Do not delay repentance. Because death comes suddenly.

Don’t be friends with the ignorant son! Do not make friends with ignorant people. Because if you become friends with him, he will think that you welcome his actions.

Scare from Godo son! Fear Allah properly. Even though you know your heart is broken, don’t make you believe that you are a person of taqwa so that others will respect you.

Silence is golden son! I have never regretted being silent until now. For if speech is silver, silence is gold.

Beware of sinsO son! Just as evil and sins avoid you, that is, they do not touch you unless you commit them, so beware of them. Because evil attracts evil, and sin attracts sin.

Participate in science assemblies son! Find it in the council of scholars. Listen to the conversations of the people of wisdom. For, just as God revives dry earth with rain, so he resurrects dead hearts with wise words.»1414. Tafsir al-Savi, 3:255-256.

Avoid lying son! Allah dries up the liar’s face and removes his sense of shame. An immoral person will never be short of trouble.

Stay away from the stupid manO son! It’s easier to carry rocks away than to talk to a dumb man.

Do your thingO son! Stay away from using the ignorant as a tool and getting your job done. If you can’t find someone smart, mind your own business.

Marry the daughter of your nation son! Don’t marry a girl who is not your nationality. Otherwise, children will not be able to get rid of trouble in the future. O, son! There will come a time when even patient people will not smile.

Attend assemblies where Allah is remembered, son! Find the assemblies you will attend yourself. When you find the assemblies where Allah is remembered, sit down immediately. Because if you are a scholar, your knowledge will increase, if you are ignorant, you will learn something new. You will receive your share of the mercy that descends there. Do not participate in assemblies where Allah is not mentioned. Because whether you are a scholar or ignorant, you will be harmed. Also, you will get your share of the divine wrath that will descend there. O, son!

Invite the pious believers to your table. Consult with experience holders son!

Consult with people who have knowledge and experience in every job, and try to get their opinion. Build a ship of taqwa son! The world is a bottomless sea. Many drowned in it. For this, get an ark of piety. Load îmân in you. Open with the sail of trust. Only in this way will you move forward safely and reach the beach.

Stay away from bad neighbors son! I carried some heavy loads. But I have not come across a load as heavy as the bad neighbor. I have tasted many pains, but I have never tasted a more severe pain than poverty.

Get your share of knowledge son! Even if a person is poor, he takes part in the assembly of the rulers with his knowledge and wisdom.

Watch your eyes when visiting son! When you are a guest in someone’s home, watch your eyes. Don’t stop looking everywhere. After knowing your situation, do not reveal your secret, even if it is against religion.

Be careful with your choice of friends son! If you want to befriend someone, first do something to anger them. If he is fair to you when he is angry, approach him, and if he is ruthless, stay away.

Prepare for the HereafterO son! Since you came to the world, you are on your way to the hereafter. Therefore, the hereafter is closer to you than the worldly home.

Accustom your tongue to prayers son! Get your tongue used to saying ‘God, forgive me. Because there are moments when God does not reject prayers, He bestows what He wants.

Stay away from debt son! Stay away from borrowing. Because debt drags you into disgrace during the day and saddens you at night.

Do not dare to sinO son! Ask God for something so that you do not dare to sin. And fear Allah so that you will never despair of His mercy.

Say hi to the first son! When you go to a place where a congregation is located, first shoot the arrow of Islam, that is, greet them. Then sit in a corner and don’t talk unless you see them talking. If they go into the remembrance of Allah, join them. But if they switch to another word, leave.

Do not rush son! Don’t be in a hurry, it’s the devil’s work.

Show a smiling face son! Fix your morals. Show a smiling face to your friend and foe alike. However, don’t act in such a way that your value and reputation will be destroyed.

Take the middle way son! Choose the middle way, which is the best of all.

Talk less son! Act with silence and youthfulness. Speak less. Talking too much causes mistakes.
Don’t spread the word too muchO son! Don’t overdo it while speaking. Otherwise, your honor will be damaged. Do not embarrass others when speaking. Don’t make eyebrows. Try to hear beautiful and gentle words. Don’t be too surprised. Do not ask for the word to be repeated. Avoid words that will make people laugh and make a fool of yourself.

Don’t argue in religion son! On matters that have nothing to do with religion, do not engage in arguments, otherwise

Don’t reveal your poverty to anyone son! Do not reveal your helplessness and poverty to anyone, not even to your family, so that you will not be discredited by them or disobey your words.

Avoid violence son! Avoid violence when educating children and those under your control. When you get angry, try to pass it off with dignity. If possible, do not insult or beat, otherwise your love will disappear in their eyes.

Don’t open to anyone son! When you start a business, don’t open it to anyone before it happens so you don’t feel embarrassed.
give a lot son! Give a lot of charity. Take the love of goods out of your heart.

consent son! Tell the truth, be pleased with what comes from Allah.

Watch out for food son! Wash your hands before and after eating. This state removes poverty and gives strength to the eyes. Eating too much causes hardness and heedlessness to the heart. It causes laziness in worship. Bismillah at the beginning of the meal, Alhamdulillah at the end, and in the middle, think that the blessing comes from Allah. Don’t tear the bread with one hand. This act is the custom of arrogant people. Eating a piece of salt at the beginning and end of a meal is a cure for many diseases. Keep the bite small and chew well. When the guest comes, if possible, but the food in a large bowl, it will cause abundance. Take it in front of you while eating, don’t take it from the middle of the bread and plate. When a piece of bread or food falls from your hand, take it, clean it and eat it. Do not blow with your mouth to cool the hot food, wait until it cools down. Don’t eat quickly. Eat countable fruits such as dates and apricots one by one, eat them in pairs, and collect the seeds to one side. Do not drink a lot of water between meals. While drinking water, look into the glass. Don’t let anything inappropriate fall into it. While drinking the water, drink it in three breaths. Don’t reach out for the food before anyone else. Talk about good things during dinner. Look at your friends at the table from the corner of your eye from time to time. Spread the food and bread that way. If guests are shy, don’t insist that they eat more than three times. If you don’t want to eat, apologize.


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