Read the shirk verses, listen to the Quran translation

Surat al-Baqara, verse 96: You will certainly find them more passionate towards life than (other) people and (even) polytheists. Each (of them) wishes to live a thousand years; However, living so long will not save him from torment. Allah sees what they do.

Surah Al-i Imran, verse 186: You will certainly be tested with your wealth and your lives, and you will certainly hear from those who were given the Book before you and from those who associate partners with (words) that are very hurtful. If you are patient and careful (this) is due to your steadfastness in the commandments.

Surat an-Nisa, verse 48: Indeed, Allah does not forgive the association of partners with Him. Other than that, he forgives whom he wills. Whoever associates partners with Allah, has indeed slandered with a great sin.

Surat an-Nisa, verse 116:Surely, Allah does not forgive those who associate partners with Him. And those who are left out forgive whomever they wish (of them). Whoever associates partners with Allah, has certainly strayed far astray.

Surah An’am, verse 19:Say: «Which thing is greater in terms of witnessing?» Say: «Allah is a witness between me and you. This Qur’an was revealed to me so that I may warn you — and whomever it reaches — with it. Do you bear witness that there are other gods with Allah?» Say: «I do not testify.» Say: «He is only one God, and indeed I am far from what you associate with.»

Surah An’am, verse 22: The day when we will gather them all; Then we will say to those who associate partners with polytheism: «Where are the ones that you think (it is something) and associate partners with?»

Surat al-An’am, verse 41: No, you only call Him, if He wishes, you can open (remove) what you call him and forget that you are associated with partners.

Surah An’am, verse 78: Then, when he saw the sun rising (brightening all around), he said: «This is my Lord, this is the greatest.» But when he disappeared, he said to his people: «O my people, I am far from what you associate with polytheists.»

Surah An’am, verse 80: His people quarreled with him. He said: «Are you quarreling with me about Allah while He has guided me to the right path? I am not afraid of those you associate partners with Him, except that Allah wills something for me. My Lord has encompassed everything in terms of knowledge. Still, advice. won’t you take and think?»

Surat al-An’am, verse 81: «How can I be afraid of your associations with Allah when you are not afraid of associating with Allah what He has sent down no evidence for? Then which of the two parties has the more right to be in ‘safety’? If you know.»

Surah An’am, verse 88: This is Allah’s guidance; He guides by this whom He wills of His servants. If they were to run shirk, of course, all their actions would have been in vain ‘for them’.

Surah An’am, verse 107:If Allah had willed, they would not have associated partners. We did not make you a watcher over them; you are not a proxy over them.

Surat al-An’am, verse 148:Those who associate shirk will say: «Had Allah willed, we would not have set up shirk, nor our ancestors, nor would we have made anything unlawful.» And those before them denied in this way until they tasted Our severe punishment. Say: «Is there any knowledge with you that you can bring to us? You only follow conjecture, and you only «lie with conjecture and guesswork.»


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